2024 Senate Battleground

Democrats Must Play Defense to Protect Narrow Majority

Ten Senate contests can be considered in play. Of those, five are considered most marginal—all of which are currently held by Democrats.

With your support, the NCEC can contribute valuable campaign analysis and planning tools to progressive candidates and help protect our democracy from right-wing extremism.

Photo of Representative Steny Hoyer.
Steny Hoyer (MD-05)

“These services have become truly invaluable and in many, many close elections it is NCEC that makes a difference …. I can also assure you every bit of your contribution will be put to work immediately helping elect progressive candidates…”

Representative Steny Hoyer

Progressive Values

The NCEC was founded in 1948 by Eleanor Roosevelt to help elect progressive candidates to the US Congress. We have supported thousands of campaigns and continue to fight for progressive values.

Data Expertise

The NCEC runs a sophisticated and long-standing data operation. Using our resources, we contribute valuable analytics and campaign planning tools to progressive candidates at no cost to them.

Political & Demographic Analysis

We provide accurate and timely analysis that highlights important trends defining the congressional battlefield and gives our members valuable insight to guide funding decisions.